As though a message sent by god... haha just kidding

4:22 PM

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No but seriously, after writing the last entry I found myself watching Jonathan Haidt's TED video again about the difference between liberals and conservatives. I just discovered that he has other projects, including a site called, and I'm so glad to see him suggesting compromise as well, rather than simply black and white solutions.

Jonathan says,
"At a time when America faces enormous challenges at home and dangers abroad, our ability to work together, trust each other, and compromise for the common good is declining. Surveys show that Americans are not moving further apart in their attitudes about specific policy issues. Instead our leaders, our political parties, and our media outlets have become more polarized, strident, and moralistic (i.e., excessively concerned with morality and certain of their own virtue). When political opponents are demonized rather than debated, compromise and cooperation become moral failings and political actors begin to believe that their ends justify the use of any means."

In general, I've been trying (sometimes harder than others) to follow his "code of ethics" concerning debating with other people, although I have to admit I find it hard sometimes. I don't totally understand the psychology of argument (why do we get so angry when we talk about politics?) and surely I have some unique problems to deal with (serious aversion to conflict, lots of self doubt), but I can say I've been trying. If I wasn't open to the idea that conservatives can be "good" people too, I would be going against my assertion that personal responsibility is a small factor in our lives.

I mean yes, I hate people who hate. People who spew bigoted nonsense that hurts others REALLY bother me. I think it's really messed up, stupid, and reprehensible. At the same time though, I can hardly blame people for coming to conclusions that they've been raised with. How can they begin to think outside of their own morals if that nudge, whatever form it may show up as, never comes?

Iris Star Chamberlain

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