Barack Obama

12:57 PM

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This "infomercial" for Barack Obama makes it even more clear (in case we forgot) how very very good his marketing team has been. I don't think the US has EVER seen such a gorgeous, touching, emotional and SEXY campaign in its history. Thank heaven for the trends of glassy buttons, gradients and drop shadows! So obviously this presentation is impressive, and a skeptical person would wonder exactly how many elements (particularly the touching music and beautiful cinematography) are helping to brainwash them.

Having said that, it made me feel a little guilty for being so grumpy about Barack Obama during this campaign cycle. I have decided to vote for him, because unlike Al Gore and John Kerry in the 2000 and 2004 elections, my resolve has fallen like so many other people to having a little crush on Barack, and truly being touched by his words and demeanor, and again the historic accomplishment that would be his presidency. The way he speaks reminds me a great deal of Martin Luther King Jr.

Moreover, a LOT of what he says I agree with. I love the way he talks about how the money going towards the war could be used for other things, even though I don't think his position on withdrawal is strong enough. I love the way he talks about education and his idea for rewarding volunteer efforts with tuition grants - brilliant idea! I love the way he talks about health care and I'm so glad he says he's concerned about this bullshit preexisting condition stuff, however his policies fall short on a Single-Payer Healthcare system, which I think we need NOW.

The ideas he touches upon, or the language and visuals he uses to hook the "right" don't bother me so much, although it's obviously a strategy. I had a little twitch during the shot of the African American couple holding hands at the dining room table both with bibles open in front of them. Questions arise: Is his marketing staff simply pandering to the religious of the country, because democrats are generally considered to be anti-religion? Or is he really so religious himself that it was appropriate to put in there? I figure it's forgiveable. Which I find interesting in itself. If he had shown a scene of me, a far leftist, and my life, there are probably a lot of conservative people who would be offended and simply not vote for Obama because of that, whereas perhaps leftists are more likely to forgive the campaign for emphasizing family and the bible. Fortunately I can say that I'm not running with stereotypes anymore, since there's been some research done on the differece between Liberals and Conservatives.

Anyway. I find this whole thing terribly confusing, because like any rock star, you can love what they show you, but you can never know who that person really is. Case in point, my mother ADORES Obama. Thinks he's going to save paralyzed people everywhere. Says he's just the best person in the world for pausing his campaign to visit his sick grandmother in Hawaii. And I said to her "yeah it does seem like he's a nice guy because of that, but I guess we can't ever really know if he was doing it for the campaign or what." I think she was a little offended at me even suggesting that as a possibility. Because she feels like she knows him. My grandmother on the other hand, reportedly called Michelle Obama "disgusting" the other day while watching her on television. My theory is that she's just racist, but at the same time, she thinks she knows who Michelle Obama is. And doesn't like it for some reason (perhaps even LESS reason than my mom has to like Obama, since she's not simply making a snap decision based on skin color).

Point is, I love Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance because he seems normal. I love Jason Kay from Jamiroquai (although I'm positive sure he's a huge asshole). I love the things that Dave Matthews says in his lyrics, but he seems like a real douchebag whenever he talks. Watching the gossip rag covers, Brad Pitt seems to continue to have a shined and buffed image and he can do no wrong. How much of this is real, and how much of it is smoke and mirrors? (For the record, I think the most real-seeming celebrity of all time is Amanda Palmer).

How many more positive emotions did I feel while watching Obama's infomercial simply because of the touching music? How much more appealing do I find him simply because he paid some people to make one of the best design campaigns in history? Or am I remaining reasonably un-brainwashed with proof being my disgust at the simplicity of the slogans "Change", "Hope", and "Progress"? Am I doing ok because I can say I like this rhetoric, but I don't think he's taking it far enough, and I'm not even sure if he can follow through with his promises?

I find the whole thing pretty fascinating. The only conclusion I can come to is that I like MOST of the image that he and his team of marketing gurus has come up with. I don't like much at all about McCain except for his goofy old man hamster faces. There has to be something to that - they are different and at least to some degree, the campaigns are going to reflect the individual. So I'm voting for Barack Obama. I'm skeptical at best that he will or actually CAN follow through with his promises, but I'm in support of a great deal of them. As for the rest, if he's elected this coming Tuesday, I'm ready to push from below (and he asked for it!) to hold him accountable, demand more, and let him know when he has done something that makes America better off. Hopefully, as he promises, he'll open the lines of communication as much as possible, and do the same.

Iris Star Chamberlain

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